1984 Theater interiors: Houses of Fantasy;Chicago Cultural Center
1985 Moving Picture Palaces: Color Photographs by Russell Phillips and Don DuBroff;
Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL
1986 Theater interiors: Houses of Fantasy; University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago, IL
1997 Russell Phillips "A Decade of Photography"; North Shore Country Day, Winnetka, IL
1997 Color Photographs by Russell Phillips; International Photography Hall of Fame, Oklahoma City, OK
2000 Russell Phillips "Two Projects: Theatres and Still Life" Collage of DuPage Library
2004 Sintra; Skokie Public Library, Skokie IL
1980 Institute of Design Photographers; Beverly Arts Center, Chicago, IL
1982 Downtown Deco; Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
1983 Chicago The Architectural City; Art institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1984 Illinois Photographers '85; Illinois State Museum; Springfield, IL
1989 Changing Chicago: Architecture and the Workplace; Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
1996 Three Views: Photographs by John Arzarian, Russell B. Phillips and Silvia Wolf: Evanston Art Center, Evanston, IL
1997 Illinois Photographers in the 90's; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College,
Chicago, IL
2001 Chicago In The Year 2000; Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
2004 Chicago In The Year 2000; International Traveling Show (various countries)
2004 Michigan Avenue 90 Years Celebration; Water Tower Gallery and O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL
2005 Site Seeing Photographic Excursions in Tourism, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL